Welcome to the website of the PACYFIC study

Pancreatic cysts (fluid collections) are common and the prevalence is rising due to increasing quality of imaging tools (e.g. MRI). At present, lifelong surveillance (i.e. regular check-up with MRI or EUS) is recommended for these cysts, yet the risk of malignant progression appears to be low for most cysts. The PACYFIC study investigates the value of this surveillance policy and explores novel potential diagnostic (screening) tools, which enable differentiation between benign and (pre)malignant cysts.


To answer this question, 5000 people from all over the world will be followed for 15 years. We will only record the outcome of the check-ups, and not interfere with how cysts are followed or treated. The study is coordinated by the Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.


On this website you can find further information regarding the PACYFIC study. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our study coordinator.

Yours sincerely, the PACYFIC research team